Inside were presents, collected treasures, market finds and some books and magazines that were weighing her down.
A note addressed to “My team members,” made us smile. As did the thoughtful
gifts, because knowing Indi, much deliberation and sincere intent accompanied their
What was also enclosed in the bubble wrap and newspaper
but clearly not labelled on the customs document was much less tangible.
How did my little girl get so worldly and wise as to spend
this long away from home and not only navigate her way through four different
countries and cultures with aplomb but thrive on the experience?
This is the letter I wrote to her when she left on her
“You are young and brave (often impulsive) and that scares
me sometimes but I’m also immensely proud of you and I have a lot of faith in
your judgement. I know we romanticised travel for you with all our stories and
silly journals but backpacking is hard work at times so expect some down days among
the amazing memories you are creating for yourself.
I suppose I brought this on myself naming you after Indiana
Jones and Sir Edmund Hillary but I haven't been apart from you for more than
a week or two since March 1996 so I've kind of got used to having you around.
May the universe be kind to you and show you many wonderful things.”
I also gave her a list of "don'ts" because Mum.
When she walked through the departure gates at Kingsford Smith airport her dad remarked that it was a watershed moment. I guess he was right. She was always going to leave one day and so will Jaya.
I just hope they go knowing how loved they are and that they can always come home.
I also gave her a list of "don'ts" because Mum.
When she walked through the departure gates at Kingsford Smith airport her dad remarked that it was a watershed moment. I guess he was right. She was always going to leave one day and so will Jaya.
I just hope they go knowing how loved they are and that they can always come home.